January 8, 2020. By Emily Boyer
No one could have seen it coming. The sun’s bright glare, the squirrel in the road, the great evergreen tree. A turn in the road came with a twist of fate in November of 2018.
Our friend’s tragic death was heartbreaking, unfathomable, and untimely to say the least. With no known cause to point to, acceptance became the only way. His peaceful essence lingered, reminding us with every sunrise of his gentle wisdom. I sometimes still wonder how he collected so much knowledge and experience in only 30 years.
A quietly skilled person, Andrew spent time out in nature and working with the land as much as he could. When it was dark outside, or beyond cold, he liked to spend time drawing and painting the land and animals he was inspired by.
Andrew was the graphic designer and web developer for our in-progress website at the time. His sketches, drawings, content outlines, and partially formed background graphics were still here, missing his hands and his mind to finish them. The website project was destined for a great and heavy pause.
Other projects continued and grants were put to good use by inspiring communities. CommonGoods Network gained momentum and supported growth in many ways.
Almost a year after Andrew’s death, his friends and collaborators felt lighter, less weighed down by the now somewhat bearable reality his absence. Still with grief, but also in renewed gratitude, we went to work once again, this time taking a simpler approach to the website, and to CommonGoods Network.
Time changed, and so has the organization. With the path lit just a little brighter by the passage of time and the progress of projects, grants, and administrative processes, we have gathered pieces of past ideas, forgotten outlines, and beautiful graphics.
Inspired by Andrew’s drawings and his spirit of generosity, we are very happy to share this new website and all that is CommonGoods Network with you and with the world.
Thank you for taking the time to read this portion of our story. We hope you will join us in support of a harmonious and sustainable world.
Drawings by Andrew.
If you knew Andrew, or are inspired by his story and talent, please reach out.
We made some of his sketches into stickers and would love to share them with you.